Busan International Food Expo 2012
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Busan International Food Expo 2012
Program Overview
Traffic Information
Title : Invitation to the Cooking Classes!!
Writer : Master Date : 717
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Busan International Food Expo 2011 is being held at BEXCO from 6~9 October.

There will be Korean Food, Temple Food, and Pyebaek Food masters' & star chefs' workshop and cooking classes.

ALL PROGRAMS ARE FREE and pre-registration is recommended (first-come-first-served.)

Visit BIFE 2011 and enjoy the tasteful and unforgettable experience!!!

For the participation, please contact us! 

 <2011 Busan International Food Expo Secretariat>

Tel. 051-711-0069


 pre : ϴ. 
 next : ϴ. 
Hosted by Busan Metropolitan City Busan Branch of Korea Restaurant Association Inc.
415, Ace High-tech, 1470, Woo-dong, Haeundae-gu, Busan, Korea,  Busan International Food Expo 2012 Secretariat
TEL : +82-51-711-0069, 0052~3   /   FAX : +82-51-747-7030   /   E-mail : Joshualee@leeconvention.com